Swatragh community project opens doors

(L-R) Area Manager Sharon Crooks with Open Doors Club Chair Margaret McFlynn, Good Relations Officer Anne Marie Convery and Treasurer Maura Quinn
(L-R) Area Manager Sharon Crooks with Open Doors Club Chair Margaret McFlynn, Good Relations Officer Anne Marie Convery and Treasurer Maura Quinn

A Swatragh community group dedicated to people of all ages with a disability or complex needs is opening doors to fitness, fun and friendship for members.

Open Doors Club, which meets every Wednesday at Granaghan Resource Centre, is offering a wide range of activities and classes to its 24 members, with help from a Community Cohesion Grant worth £1,690 from the Housing Executive.

Margaret McFlynn, Chair of the Open Door Club, said: 

“Our group is dedicated to providing a range of activities for our members from fitness classes, sport, dance, music, drama, ceramics, arts and crafts, mindfulness and much more. 

“Activities have proved vitally important to improving members’ communication, co-ordination and leadership skills and I’ve loved seeing them flourish, make friends and gain confidence.

“We are a cross community group with members of all ages and backgrounds who travel from surrounding communities to join us. 

"They have told us how beneficial our classes have been for their mental health and wellbeing.

“Generous funding from the Housing Executive has made this 10-week programme a reality and we are so grateful for the support in providing the best range of activities for our members.

“Our project’s success is also the result of a wonderful group of volunteers who help facilitate our wide range of activities and I’d like to thank them for their hard work and dedication.”

Sharon Crooks, the Housing Executive’s Area Manager for Mid Ulster, added:

“We are proud to fund the Open Doors Club, which has become a vitally important service for some of the most vulnerable members of the local community.

“Speaking to members and volunteers I’ve heard how big a difference it has made to their lives, encouraging more social interaction and building their confidence.

“Open Doors Club promotes better community cohesion, has a real, lasting impact and we look forward to continuing to work closely with them in future.”