How we pay Supporting People delivery partners

We make payments to Supporting People delivery partners in line with funding agreements. Payments are made in arrears, based on a 4 weekly payment timetable.

You can download the latest timetable here:

What types of funding are paid?

  • There are two main types of funding agreement; block gross (short term) and block subsidy (long term). 

How are payments processed?

  • Payments for short term services are made in line with funding agreements, and do not vary depending on levels of occupancy. 
  • Payments for long term services are made in line with funding agreements, and are only processed for service users who receive Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit. 
    • Delivery partners are required to update client support date information on at the beginning and end of support to ensure appropriate payments are made. 

Further Information

Further Information on Housing Benefit eligibility and how to claim can be found here: Housing Benefit

Contract management