Our approach

The Housing Executive must promote equality of opportunity and good relations in carrying out its functions.  We are required to do this under Section 75 and Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.

Our Equality Unit has developed an Equality Scheme to help us to achieve this. The Scheme sets out how we carry out our work. It also takes account of our equality and good relations duties.

The Equality Unit:

  • promotes equality awareness through equality training, disability awareness training, reviewing equality policy, best practice and equality screening
  • encourages equality throughout the organisation through the publication of regular equality information
  • develops equality monitoring systems for the organisation
  • reports regularly to show progress in the implementation of our Equality Scheme
  • implements a race relations policy
  • safeguards children and adults in need of protection
  • provides communication support

Key Documents

(alternative formats such as Braille & audio of documents can be requested from the Equality Unit):

The Equality Unit can be contacted by phoning Tony Steed (Equality Unit Manager) on:

Equality screening reports