Minor adaptations with referral

If you are a Housing Executive tenant and wish to apply for a minor adaptation which requires an occupational therapy referral, you will need to follow the process detailed below.

Step 1: Contact your district office

You will need to speak to the minor adaptations link person at your district office and explain the type of adaptation you are requesting. The link person will advise you about the process involved. Your adaptation request may require referral to an occupational therapist for a qualified assessment of your needs. If necessary the link person will advise you on how a referral can be made for an occupational therapist assessment or if this is not required your request will be passed to a maintenance officer for action.

Step 2: Occupational therapist assessment

If the adaptation you have requested requires referral to an occupational therapist, he or she will carry out an assessment, which looks at both your needs and (where appropriate) your carers’ needs to decide whether they can be met through a range of services. This may involve a visit to your home. The occupational therapist (OT) will then discuss options with you. These may include rehabilitation, referral to other Health & Social Services professionals, provision of daily living equipment, moving home or adapting your home.

The occupational therapy department will prioritise your case based on the nature of the referral. The time-scale for assessment will depend on whether you case is classified as a priority or non-priority case.

Priority status will be awarded in the following circumstances:

  • Coming out of hospital and at risk
  • Living alone and at risk
  • Living with a carer who is elderly or disabled
  • Limited life expectancy

If the occupational therapist recommends a minor adaptation, this request will be passed to the maintenance department at your local district office.

If referral to an occupational therapist is not necessary your request will be passed directly to the maintenance department at your local district office. A home visit by a maintenance officer may also be required to inspect your property.

Step 3: Maintenance officer evaluation

The maintenance officer will specify the type of work required for the adaptation and issue the work to a building contractor. The maintenance officer will also specify a time-scale, in which the work must be completed, depending on the priority of your case. If you wish to know the time-scale for completion of your work please contact the adaptations link person at your local district office.

Step 4: Building work

The building contractor will complete the work within the set time scales according to the priority your request has been given. If there are delays with the building contractor, please contact the adaptations link person at your local district office.

Step 5: Inspection

A maintenance officer may call to your home to inspect the work and ensure that it has been completed to a high standard. If you are not happy with the quality of the work, please contact the adaptations link person at your local district office.

The occupational therapist may also call to your home to ensure that the adaptation is suitable to your needs.

If you are unsure about any of the stages in the process please contact the adaptations link person at your local district office and they will explain the process.