‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme

On February 1, 2024 the Housing Executive became responsible for the ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme. 

The Department for Communities (DfC) successfully managed the Programme before this. 

The Shared Housing Programme plays a significant part in creating:

  • inclusive
  • safe
  • sustainable neighbourhoods

The Programme helps to shape a more integrated, diverse, vibrant and stable society. We look forward to building on the strong foundations laid over previous years.

The Programme emerged from Northern Ireland Executive Together: Building a United Community Strategy. 

It reflected the NI Executive’s commitment to:

  • improving community relations
  • continuing the journey towards a more united and shared society

The Programme supports twelve Housing Associations, working on 77 developments with a total of 2,490 units. 

Forty-four developments have been completed and are now celebrated as Shared. A further thirty-three are under development or programmed to start. 

The benefits of shared housing extend far beyond those 2,490 units. Housing Associations work with 32 Local Advisory Groups across the shared housing communities. 

They also administer the local Advisory Groups to support the development and delivery of Good Relations Plans. These Plans benefit communities and individuals who live, work and socialise within a five-mile radius of the new development. 

The Housing Executive is Northern Ireland's regional housing authority. This makes us ideally placed to partner with Housing Associations to take this work forward.

We are excited by the potential of the next chapter of the ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme. 


Further information and documents related to the scheme are available from the DfC website.

These resources are available at:

Shared Housing Programme | Department for Communities


The Housing Associations currently involved include:













To find out more about ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme contact the team at:

Email: HousingforAll@nihe.gov.uk