Who is the Supporting People programme for?

Who is housing related support for?  

Many different groups of people can benefit from housing related support through the Supporting People programme. These include:

  • homeless people
  • people with a learning disability
  • people with poor mental health
  • older people
  • women at risk of domestic violence
  • young people leaving care
  • people with drug or alcohol use problems
  • offenders or people at risk of offending

How are people supported?

  1. Short-term Floating Support assists people that need housing related support to maintain independence in their own home.
  2. Short-term accommodation based support helps people who need housing support and who are also in housing need, for example support that is provided through hostels or refuges.
  3. Longer-term support enables people to sustain a home, for example where someone has a tenancy support can help maintain the tenancy. 

Who provides housing support services?

Housing related support services are provided by delivery partners across the public, private and voluntary sectors. 

Some examples include Housing Associations, Health and Social Care Trusts and charities.

Is there a charge for Housing Support Services?

This depends on the type of housing support service accessed. There is no charge for short term services through ‘floating support’, homeless hostels or refuges. 

Charges for long term services are dependent on personal circumstances. Entitlement to Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit means that your full support costs will be paid directly to your service provider.  

If you do not have entitlement to Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit you will need to pay for the cost of your support service.

How to access Supporting People Services?

If you or someone you know may be in need of Housing Related Support you can:

  • ask your social worker or health professional
  • ask your housing manager (Housing Association or local Housing Executive office)
  • contact a housing support service provider directly

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Find out more

Find out more about Housing Benefit entitlement in our section on: 

How to find support in your area