How we measure performance and outcomes

Services funded by Supporting People are required to submit performance and outcomes data in relation to their clients.  This is collected through:

  • Performance Indicator (PI) Workbooks for Short-Term Accommodation-Based services.
  • Client Schedule information through our SPOCC system for Long-Term Accommodation (Block Subsidy) services and Floating Support services.
  • Outcomes submissions through our Outcomes system for all services.

If you are unsure whether your service is required to submit client schedule information or if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send these to:

Please use the guidance below to walk you through how to submit. You will be required to have an f5 account to access these systems. 

If you require an account please contact:

Performance Indicator (PI) Workbooks

The performance of Short-Term Accommodation-Based services funded through the Supporting People programme is measured against key performance indicators (KPIs) and service performance indicators (SPIs).

What KPIs do we use to measure performance?

We collect quarterly data for the following performance indicators:

KPI 2 – service users who have moved on in a planned way from temporary living arrangements

SPI 1 – service availability

SPI 2 – service utilisation

SPI 4 – throughput

How to complete a Performance Return

Providers must complete quarterly returns within 15 working days of the last reporting day of each quarter.

Performance returns (PI Workbooks) for Short-Term Accommodation-Based services should be returned to Supporting People via every quarter. 

You can download the latest Performance Measurement reporting timetable: 

You will find guidance notes to help you to complete and submit your workbooks here:

Client Schedules

Client updates should be sent to Supporting People on a regular basis and should continue to be an accurate reflection of each service as performance is being measured using this information.

What services are required to submit client schedule information?      

Long-Term (Block subsidy) and Floating Support services are required to submit client schedule information for all clients.

Providers of Long-Term (Block Subsidy) services must also include those who self-fund their support.

How do I submit client schedules?

Guidance on how to submit client schedules can be found in: 

How we use performance measurement data

We will use performance information to inform the contract management process and to aid strategic planning.  

Reporting on Outcomes

Providers of Supporting People services are required to collect and submit outcome information through the Outcomes system (not the SPOCC system). If you have an f5 account and navigate to your resource screen you should see a button for the Outcomes system.

What is Outcomes?

Outcomes Measurement was introduced to the Supporting People programme in April 2018 as a way for providers to report on outcomes being achieved by clients within their services.  The data is collected at client level and reported to Supporting People at scheme level.  The outcomes in which providers report on were designed in consultation with the provider sector and are linked to the Draft Programme for Government Outcomes. 

The outcomes framework can be viewed by clicking here:

or alternatively by accessing the Outcomes Guidance document:

How often does outcomes information have to be submitted?

The frequency of outcomes submissions depends on the service type. Reporting for Short-term services is required quarterly and reporting for Long-term services is required annually.

You can download the latest Outcomes Monitoring reporting timetable: 

How do I Log into Outcomes?

You can read guidance on how to log into Outcomes:

Or watch the video below:

Logging in on Microsoft Edge

When logging in on Microsoft Edge you may not have the option to change your username. You will have to click "More choices" then "Use a different account". 

You will then be able to enter your username i.e. NIHE\username and f5 password. 

Screen grab showing the log in on Microsoft Edge.

How do I Submit Outcomes?

To learn how to input and submit outcome data, you can the:

Or watch the video guidance:  

Outcomes Framework FAQ

No.  You will only need to report on the measures relevant to your service and these will be the only indicators you are able to view on the system for that service.  If a client in a particular service does not require support or refuses support on a specific measure you do not need to record that client within that measure.  Only report against client’s you have supported to achieve an outcome.

The intended duration of support for short term services is for a maximum of 2 years.  A service where a client is supported for over 2 years would be classified as long term.  Short and long term services will both have clients that will cease receiving support under the 2 year period for various reasons although no short term service should provide support for over 2 years unless there is a valid reason for doing so.

Generally the answer would be no, however it is noted that this may be applicable to certain client groups for particular outcomes, although the same outcome should not be reported on within a single period of support.  There is a comments box for providers to use in instances such as this.

We have asked that short term services report quarterly on departed clients only e.g. clients who cease to receive a support service during a particular quarter.  Do not report on short term service users who have not yet left your service.  For long term services you will report annually on all service users (that is; those currently within the service and those who have departed the service since your last submission).

SP contract management teams may monitor outcome information as part of their regular quality and performance monitoring.  It is important that outcome information is stored in the client’s file in case it should be requested by SP officers at visits/meetings.

Providers have been asked to begin gathering outcome information from quarter 4 of 2019/2020 and quarter 1 of 2020/2021. The new Outcomes System will be live for submissions from   early October 2020and providers will/have been asked to make these submissions no later than ---for short term services. Annual submissions from long term services which would have been required during quarter 4 2019/2020 will be required from providers no later than --- as the gathering of this information should have commenced in April 2019. Any providers who are encountering difficulties with any aspect of the access or submission should refer to the user guide found here and contact the recommended body as directed by the guide based on the nature of the issue encountered.

Yes.  Information relating to what the indicators are asking and guidance for answering them can be found within this guidance. Any further queries or instances can be discussed with your SP Contract Management contact.

SP will offer providers the opportunity to avail of guidance in the form of a user guide and video tutorial which will provide a step by step guide on how to complete outcome information and submit to SP via the new Outcomes System.  A number of webinars will take place in September 2020 to allow providers to familiarise themselves with the Outcomes System and to ask any questions.

No.  SP believe that many providers already have systems in place to collect outcome information and therefore felt it was unnecessary to introduce another system.  During the first pilot exercises, providers made it clear they were content to collect outcomes in a way which was comfortable / familiar for support workers. Any recent surveys and contact with providers has indicated this is still the case.  Good practice examples of systems used for outcome collection may be shared between providers.

Voids in services will not be taken into account for outcome measurement as you will only be reporting against applicable clients.  Please note you must also report on outcomes for any service users who are self-funders.

This is a more common occurrence for short term services who report quarterly. If you encounter this you should only report in the quarter the outcome has been completed.  In short term services you will only report outcome information when a client departs the service, if a client departs mid-way through an outcome then you do not report on this outcome as it would not have been known whether the outcome would have been achieved or not.  Should an outcome in a long term service run over a financial year, for example start in February 2021 and complete in May 2021 then this outcome should be reported on in March 2022.

Providers should report on all clients whom they supported to complete an outcome, regardless of whether the move is planned or unplanned.  Please note you are only required to report on clients who completed specific outcomes (achieved or not).

Yes, there is an area available for provider comments prior to submission of outcome information at the bottom of the submission page on the Outcomes System.  This should be used to provide SP with any relevant information in relation to outcome measures. 

Outcomes System FAQ

To request an F5 account or access to the Outcomes system;

  • Email advising that you are a new user and you require access to F5 and Outcomes system.
  • A member of SP staff will send you a new user template to complete and return.
  • The member of SP staff will create an Outcomes system account and initiate a query with ITASSIST to create an F5 account.
  • Once ITASSIST have created an account for you, they will email you with your login details and instructions for F5.
  • Once you receive your F5 login details, a member of SP staff will email you login details and advise that you should now have access to Outcomes system as well.

As NIHE business approval is required before an account is created, we would ask that you do not contact ITASSIST directly in this instance.

In the case that you have forgotten your F5 login details, please contact ITASSIST for assistance and explain that you need your F5 login reset.

ITASSIST: 0300 1234 155

Yes. The Outcomes Frontend will only be used to submit Outcomes measurements, will still be used for all other areas.

We have asked that short term services report quarterly on departed clients only e.g. clients who cease to receive a support service during a particular quarter.  Do not report on short term service users who have not yet left your service.  For long term services you will report annually on all service users (that is; those currently within the service and those who have departed the service since your last submission).

You can include the same service user multiple times if they have left and returned to the service. There is a comments box at the bottom of the submissions screen; you can explain the increased numbers in this section.

There should be one Outcomes submission added per service. If a service is covered by multiple co-ordinators, a joint submission will be required.

If you would like more information on Supporting People, you can email us on Supporting.People@NIHE.GOV.UK

Supporting People Annual Report