Avoiding debt

Avoiding debt

On this page we will help you:

  1. Get financial advice and support
  2. Track and plan your spending
  3. Improve your finances
  4. Avoid debt

Don’t forget, it is important to pay your rent. If you don’t, you could lose your home.

What do if you are behind on the rent

  1. Admit that you’re behind. You are often not alone.
  2. Speak to your landlord about the situation
  3. If you’re our tenant, talk to us. We may be able to help with money and debt advice. Contact your Patch Manager / Housing Officer / Accounts Officer on T: 03448 920 900 (NGT* 18001 03448 920 900)

How to set a budget

  1. Look at how much you spend each week
  2. Decide how much you can really afford to spend and set a budget
  3. Download, print and fill-out this handy family budget planner
  4. Pay important debts first.
  5. Keep to it!


  • Avoid taking out extra credit – it will only increase your weekly spend
  • Remember, credit and store cards can be the most expensive form of borrowing
  • If you need to borrow, speak to your local credit union about what they can do for you
  • If you do get into difficulties, don’t ignore the problem, get advice.

Benefit and Budgeting Calculator

You can also use our free online Benefit and Budgeting Calculator to make sure you’re claiming all the benefits you’re entitled to. The calculator also shows how changing the amount of hours you work will affect your income.


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