Race Relations

The Racial Equality Strategy for Northern Ireland 2015-2025, launched in December 2015, will establish a framework for Government departments (and others):

  • to tackle racial inequalities and to open up opportunity for all;
  • to eradicate racism and hate crime; and
  • along with Together: Building a United Community, to promote good race relations and social cohesion.

We aim to demonstrate a clear and positive commitment to promoting integration and tackling race issues. We contribute to improving race relations on a strategic and operational level through effective partnership working.  This has been reflected in our Race Relations Policy and will continue to be reflected in our refreshed Race Relations Policy.

The cohesion unit supports front line staff to ensure that all black and minority ethnic people in Northern Ireland can get full and fair access to housing services and employment opportunities within the Housing Executive. We aim to support the promotion of good relations between and within ethnic groups and communities.


Housing and Health